WATCH FACE (English)
I started to design of watch face by proposal of subsidiary company of Naver ‘camp mobile.’
Watch master is a group of design specialist who make smart watch initial screen. (watch face)
Designers from all around the world participated and offer primium watch face in watch master App.
Watch face of my design is operated by application and sold and promoted through app store, it is very attractive.
As the market of wearable is getting larger, watch face design is the new topic and it is expected to be developed like messenger emoticon.
I needed greenegg’s signature and brand before designing watch face.
‘SWISS MADE’ is seen largely in famous swiss watch.
I made ‘GREENEGG MADE’ signature aiming at the most famous watch face.
The symbol represents ‘G’ in English with stencil font and the implied meaning is ‘time’ and ‘clock.’
New moment New face
I made also Catch phrase in order to represent the best of the characteristics of the watch face.
It means you meet new watch design every moment.
It is expected to be used for promotional copy of greenegg’s watch face.
Brand is important as much as design.
I referred to the name of font ‘delta universe’ after a long consideration and ‘DELTA’ brand came out on the world.
DELTA watch face will be designed with background of universe just like a concept of delta universe with meaning of countless stars in universe.
And DELTA OOOO sub-brand will be made continuously matching with the concept and design of watch.
It began selling in Watch master app, Google play store, Samsung GEAR app.
Meet Delta watch series which contains universe story now~
If you choose watch face design below, you can see the detail page.
Watch face will be updated continuously.